Procurements: Machinery for preparing animal feeding stuffs

7 archived procurements

Machinery for preparing animal feeding stuffs have been procured by organizations such as BRID-Biorefinery Research, Implementation and Development Ltd, EirGrid plc, and BRID-Biorefinery Research, Implementation and Development Ltd..

Recent procurements of machinery for preparing animal feeding stuffs in Ireland

2022-04-04   Individual Roughage Intake Control Feeding Systems (Teagasc)
Supply and Installation of Individual Roughage Intake Control Feeding Systems to a range of animals. See attached documentation for additional information. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Hokofarmgroup
2021-03-26   Supply of Solid-liquid Extractor for Aqueous Plant Extracts (BRID-Biorefinery Research, Implementation and Development Ltd)
Supply of solid-liquid extractor (e.g. screw extractor, screw press) for solid-liquid separation of fermented biomass to obtain an aqueous extract. Lot 1: 1pcs, extractor for 4 000-4 600 kg/h; Lot 2: 2 pcs, extractors each for 2 000-2 500 kg/h; Lot 3: 1 pcs, extractor for 2 000-2 500 kg/h. In order to enable the best possible (qualitative and economic) implementation, potential technology providers are invited to participate in this bidding procedure. The bidding procedure is carried out in two stages. View the procurement »
2021-03-26   Lieferung eines Fest-Flüssig-Extraktors (BRID-Biorefinery Research, Implementation and Development Ltd)
Lieferung eines Fest-Flüssig-Extraktors (z. B. Schneckenextraktor, Schneckenpresse) zur Fest-Flüssig-Trennung von fermentierter Biomasse, um einen wässrigen Extrakt zu erhalten. — LOT 1:1 Stk. Extraktor für 4 000 - 4 600 kg/h, — LOT 2:2 Stk. Extraktoren für je 2 000 - 2 500 kg/h, — LOT 3:1 Stk. Extraktor für 2 000 - 2 500 kg/h. Um eine bestmögliche (qualitative und wirtschaftliche) Umsetzung zu ermöglichen, werden potentielle Technologieanbieter zur Teilnahme an diesem Bieterverfahren eingeladen. Das … View the procurement »
2020-12-23   Supply of Evaporators for Aqueous Plant Extracts (BRID-Biorefinery Research, Implementation and Development Ltd)
Supply of a plant for the concentration of aqueous extracts from fermented biomass. The plant (evaporator 1 and evaporator 2) should be able to process a daily liquor volume of approx. 36 000 L/d with 8 % TS to a concentrate with approx. 70 % DM. In addition, a pilot plant (evaporator 3) for the evaporation of extracts with a capacity of 5 000-10 000 L/d is to be built, which is suitable for concentrating from 8 % DM up to 60 % DM. View the procurement »
2020-12-23   Lieferung von Verdampfer für wässrige Pflanzenextrakte (BRID-Biorefinery Research, Implementation and Development Ltd.)
Beschaffung von Anlagen zur Konzentrierung von wässrigen Extrakten aus fermentierter Biomasse. Die Anlage (Evaporator 1 und 2) soll eine tägliche Flottenmenge von ca. 36 000 L/d mit 8%TS zu einem Konzentrat mit ca. 70%TS verarbeiten können. Zusätzlich soll eine Pilotanlage (Evaporator 3 Pilot) zur Eindampfung von Extrakten mit einer Leistung von 5 000-10 000 L/d entstehen, die geeignet ist eine Konzentrierung von 8%TS- 60%TS durchzuführen. Die Anlagen zur Konzentrierung müssen folgende Anforderungen … View the procurement »
2014-03-14   ENQEIR409 - Provision of Local Reserve (EirGrid plc)
The risk of a local shortage of generation adequacy is caused by restrictions on the transmission network. The Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation (NIAUR) has written to SONI requesting it to explore arrangements, such as putting in place relevant System Support Services, to alleviate some or all of the risk identified. NIAUR has noted that any such arrangements should be time limited and that any additional costs of putting in place such measures should be reasonable and proportionate. … View the procurement »
2013-08-28   ENQEIR336 - Short Term Active Response (EirGrid plc)
STAR is an interruptible load type service in Ireland by which electricity consumers agree to have either their entire load or a portion of their load disconnected, without notice, during an under-frequency incident. STAR assists in the recovery of the power system frequency to normal operating conditions following the loss of a major generation in-feed to the power system. The TSO makes payment for the service based on the level of load that an electricity consumer makes available for interruption. View the procurement »