2023-07-12   Multi-Party Framework Agreement for the Supply of Fertilisers and Other Lawn Sundries (Horse Racing Ireland HRI)
The Contracting Authority intends to establish a multi-party framework agreement for the Supply of Fertilisers and Other Lawn Sundries. The requirement includes Fertilisers, Herbicides, Grass Seed Mix, Surfactants, Soil Improver, Conditioner, Compost and Dye. View the procurement »
2021-04-16   2021 Supply of Chemicals and Fertilisers for Coillte Nurseries and Aerial Fertilisation Programme (Coillte CGA)
Coillte invites responses to this Invitation to Tender (ITT) from economic operators (‘Tenderers’) for the supply and delivery of chemicals and fertiliser products to Coillte’s Nurseries and for the supply of Granulated Fertiliser to various forest locations. (see our supplier management system ‘Proactis’). View the procurement »
2019-07-11   Invitation to tender for Multi Party Framework Agreement for the Supply and Delivery of Plant and Equipment to... (Dublin City Council)
Dublin City Council proposes to establish a 4 year multi party framework agreement for the supply and delivery of plant and equipment to Dublin City Council’s Parks and Landscape services division. The framework will be in 3 lots: Lot 1 - Tractors Lot 2 - Tractor Mounted Equipment Lot 3 - Mowers Each lot will have a maximum of 5 suppliers, subject to receiving sufficient number of valid tenders. Tenderers can apply for, and be successful in 1, several or all lots. Requirements under the framework will be … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Dublin Grass Machinery Irish Grass Machinery Ltd J H Fitzpatrick Ltd Kevin Broderick Ltd Landcraft Farm and Grass Machinery Shanley Lawnmowers
2019-03-11   2019 Supply of Chemicals and Fertilisers for Coillte Nurseries and Aerial Fertilisation Programme (Coillte CGA)
Coillte invites responses to this Invitation to Tender (ITT) from economic operators (“Tenderers”) for the supply and delivery of chemicals and fertiliser products to Coillte’s Nurseries (Donegal, Wicklow and Carlow) and for the supply of granulated fertiliser to various forest locations. (see our supplier management system "Proactis") https://supplierlive.proactisp2p.com/Account/Login View the procurement »
2018-10-26   Multi Party Framework Agreement for the Supply and Delivery of Plant and Equipment to Dublin City Council Parks and... (Dublin City Council)
Dublin City Council proposes to establish a 4 year multi party framework agreement for the supply and delivery of plant and equipment to Dublin City Council’s Parks and Landscape services division. The framework will be in 4 lots. Lots 1, 2 and 3 will be a maximum of 5 suppliers per lot, subject to receiving sufficient number of valid tenders. Lot 4 will have a maximum of 8 suppliers. Tenderers can apply for, and be successful in, 1, several or all lots. The Lots are: 1) Tractors; 2) Tractor Mounted … View the procurement »
2017-03-10   Supply of Chemicals & Fertilisers to Coillte Nurseries (Coillte)
Coillte invites tenders for the supply and delivery on demand of Chemicals and Fertilisers to its nurseries in Donegal, Wicklow & Carlow. View the procurement »
2016-03-04   Supply and Delivery of Plant and Equipment 2016 (Dublin City Council)
Dublin City Council proposes to award a contract/s for the supply and delivery of plant and equipment, to meet the Parks and Landscapes Services 2016's requirements. There are 19 lots, and these will be awarded on a lot by lot basis. Tenderers can apply for, and be awarded 1 or more lots. Please see the tender documents for full details. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: A-Z Hire Ltd. Broderick (Kevin) Ltd Broderick (Kevin) Ltd. Dublin Grass Machinery Irish Grass Machinery Irish Grass Machinery Ltd Leinster Turf Equipment Ltd. Major Equipment Intl Ltd.