2022-05-30   Depopulation services for bird flocks on poultry premises in the territories of the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland (Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine)
DAFM and DAERA require an end-to-end service for poultry depopulation using whole house gassing method using carbon dioxide, or other inert gas listed in Annex 1 of Council Regulation (EC) 1099/2009 โ€“ to include requirements set out in the Request For Tender (RFT) document. View the procurement ยป
2021-07-02   Depopulation Services for Bird Flocks on Poultry Premises in the Territories of the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland (Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine)
The National Disease Control Centre (NDCC) is a division of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) responsible for maintaining contingency preparedness for, and control of exotic trans-boundary animal diseases. Under this remit, the NDCC may require the depopulation of poultry premises in the event of an outbreak of a poultry disease listed in the Schedule to Statutory Instrument No 130 of 2016, Notification and Control of Diseases affecting terrestrial Animals (No. 2) Regulations 2016. View the procurement ยป