The Minister for Health (the ‘Contracting Authority’) invites tenders (‘Tenders’) to this request for tenders (‘RFT’) from economic operators (‘Tenderers’) for the provision of Hotel quarantine and ancillary services. The ultimate purpose of this Competition is the award of a Services Contract.
The Minister envisages that there will be five pillars of services required:
1) Accommodation;
2) Transport;
3) Security;
4) Healthcare Assessment and Monitoring;
5) Interpretation Services.
The Department is seeking one single service provider to provide or manage the Hotel Quarantine and Ancillary Services (the ‘Services’).
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2021-07-28.
The procurement was published on 2021-06-25.
The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:
Object Scope of the procurement
Title: EMS059C — Hotel Quarantine and Ancillary Services
Products/services: Hotel services📦
Short description:
“The Minister for Health (the ‘Contracting Authority’) invites tenders (‘Tenders’) to this request for tenders (‘RFT’) from economic operators (‘Tenderers’)...”
Short description
The Minister for Health (the ‘Contracting Authority’) invites tenders (‘Tenders’) to this request for tenders (‘RFT’) from economic operators (‘Tenderers’) for the provision of Hotel quarantine and ancillary services. The ultimate purpose of this Competition is the award of a Services Contract.
The Minister envisages that there will be five pillars of services required:
1) Accommodation;
2) Transport;
3) Security;
4) Healthcare Assessment and Monitoring;
5) Interpretation Services.
The Department is seeking one single service provider to provide or manage the Hotel Quarantine and Ancillary Services (the ‘Services’).
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Estimated value excluding VAT: EUR 22 400 000 💰
The Minister for Health (the ‘Contracting Authority’) invites tenders (‘Tenders’) to this request for tenders (‘RFT’) from economic operators (‘Tenderers’) for the provision of Hotel quarantine and ancillary services. The ultimate purpose of this competition is the award of a Services Contract.
The Minister envisages that there will be five pillars of services required:
1) Accommodation;
2) Transport;
3) Security;
4) Healthcare Assessment and Monitoring;
5) Interpretation Services.
The Department is seeking one single service provider to provide or manage the Hotel Quarantine and Ancillary Services (the ‘Services’).
Show more Award criteria
Quality criterion (name): Centranl reservation system
Quality criterion (weighting): 140
Quality criterion (name): Accommodation
Quality criterion (weighting): 35
Quality criterion (name): Transport requirements
Quality criterion (name): Security requirement
Quality criterion (name): Healthcare specification requirements
Quality criterion (name): Housekeeping and laundry
Quality criterion (name): Food hygiene, health and safety and environment
Quality criterion (name): Ensuring continuity of service
Cost criterion (name): Cost
Cost criterion (weighting): 300
Scope of the procurement
Estimated total value excluding VAT: EUR 22 400 000 💰
Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
The time frame below is expressed in number of months.
Duration: 2
Information about options
Options ✅
Description of options:
“The Contracting Authority reserves the right to extend the term for a period or periods of up to 3 months at a time and as may be required, up to a total...”
Description of options
The Contracting Authority reserves the right to extend the term for a period or periods of up to 3 months at a time and as may be required, up to a total period of 12 months on the same terms and conditions, subject to the Contracting Authority’s obligations at law.
Show more Description
Additional information:
“The Contracting Authority reserves the right to extend the term for a period or periods of up to 3 months at a time and as may be required, up to a total...”
Additional information
The Contracting Authority reserves the right to extend the term for a period or periods of up to 3 months at a time and as may be required, up to a total period of 12 months on the same terms and conditions, subject to the Contracting Authority’s obligations at law.
Legal, economic, financial and technical information Conditions for participation
List and brief description of conditions: Please consult the RFT documentation for this competition (RFT 191802)
Economic and financial standing
List and brief description of selection criteria: Please consult the RFT documentation for this competition (RFT 191802)
Conditions for participation
Please consult the RFT documentation for this competition (RFT 191802)
Technical and professional ability
List and brief description of selection criteria: Please consult the RFT documentation for this competition (RFT 191802)
Conditions for participation
Conditions for participation (technical and professional ability): Please consult the RFT documentation for this competition (RFT 191802)
Conditions related to the contract
Contract performance conditions: Please consult the RFT documentation for this competition (RFT 191802)
Procedure Type of procedure
Open procedure
Administrative information
Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 2021-07-28
17:00 📅
Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: English 🗣️
The time frame below is expressed in number of months.
Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tender: 6
Conditions for opening of tenders: 2021-07-28
17:00 📅
Complementary information Review body
Name: The High Court of Ireland
Postal town: Dublin
Country: Ireland 🇮🇪
Phone: +353 18866000📞 Review procedure
Precise information on deadline(s) for review procedures: Please consult your own legal advisors.
Source: OJS 2021/S 124-328681 (2021-06-25)
Contract award notice (2021-09-09) Contracting authority Name and addresses
Phone: +353 0761008000📞
Object Scope of the procurement
Title: EMS059C - Hotel quarantine and ancillary services
Short description:
“The Minister for Health (the “Contracting Authority”) invites tenders (“Tenders”) to this request for tenders (“RFT”) from economic operators (“Tenderers”)...”
Short description
The Minister for Health (the “Contracting Authority”) invites tenders (“Tenders”) to this request for tenders (“RFT”) from economic operators (“Tenderers”) for the provision of Hotel quarantine and ancillary services. The ultimate purpose of this Competition is the award of a Services Contract.
The Minister envisages that there will be five pillars of services required:
1. Accommodation
2. Transport
3. Security
4. Healthcare Assessment & Monitoring
5. Interpretation Services
The Department is seeking one single service provider to provide or manage the Hotel
Quarantine and Ancillary Services (the “Services”).
Show more
Total value of the procurement (excluding VAT): EUR 2 438 280 💰
Main site or place of performance: Dublin 1
Description of the procurement:
“The Minister for Health (the “Contracting Authority”) invites tenders (“Tenders”) to this request for tenders (“RFT”) from economic operators (“Tenderers”)...”
Description of the procurement
The Minister for Health (the “Contracting Authority”) invites tenders (“Tenders”) to this request for tenders (“RFT”) from economic operators (“Tenderers”) for the provision of Hotel quarantine and ancillary services. The ultimate purpose of this Competition is the award of a Services Contract.
The Minister envisages that there will be five pillars of services required:
1. Accommodation
2. Transport
3. Security
4. Healthcare Assessment & Monitoring
5. Interpretation Services
The Department is seeking one single service provider to provide or manage the Hotel
Quarantine and Ancillary Services (the “Services”).
Show more Award criteria
Quality criterion (name): Centranl Reservation System
Quality criterion (name): Accommodation:
Quality criterion (name): Transport Requirements
Quality criterion (name): Security Requirement
Quality criterion (name): Healthcare Specification Requirements
Quality criterion (name): Housekeeping and Laundry
Quality criterion (name): Food Hygiene, Health & Safety and Environment
Quality criterion (name): Ensuring Continuity of Service
Information about options
Description of options:
“The Contracting Authority reserves the right to extend the Term for a period or periods of up to 3 Months at a time and as may be required, up to a total...”
Description of options
The Contracting Authority reserves the right to extend the Term for a period or periods of up to 3 Months at a time and as may be required, up to a total period of 12 months on the same terms and conditions, subject to the Contracting Authority’s obligations at law.
Show more Description
Additional information:
“The Contracting Authority reserves the right to extend the Term for a period or periods of up to 3 Months at a time and as may be required, up to a total...”
Additional information
The Contracting Authority reserves the right to extend the Term for a period or periods of up to 3 Months at a time and as may be required, up to a total period of 12 months on the same terms and conditions, subject to the Contracting Authority’s obligations at law.
Procedure Administrative information
Previous publication concerning this procedure: 2021/S 124-328681
Award of contract
Contract Number: 1
Title: EMS059C - Hotel quarantine and ancillary services
Date of conclusion of the contract: 2021-08-31 📅
Information about tenders
Number of tenders received: 2
Number of tenders received by electronic means: 2
Name and address of the contractor
Name: Athena Ltd
National registration number: IE6548259D
Postal address: Northwood Park
Postal town: Santry
Postal code: Dublin 9
Country: Ireland 🇮🇪
Phone: +353 18628888📞
Region: Éire/Ireland🏙️
The contractor is an SME
Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)
Total value of the contract/lot: EUR 2 438 280 💰
Source: OJS 2021/S 178-464310 (2021-09-09)