Object Scope of the procurement
โArchitect Led Integrated Design Team for Altamont House and Gardens Development Project
Architect Led Team for Altamontโ
Products/services: Architectural design services๐ฆ
Short description:
โIntegrated design team services led by architect for the Altamont House and Gardens Development Project.โ
Estimated value excluding VAT: EUR 500 000 ๐ฐ
Please consult the associated documentation, which contains full instructions regarding the submission of tenders and is available to download from www.etenders.gov.ie using RFT ID 165973.
Legal, economic, financial and technical information Conditions for participation
List and brief description of conditions:
โList and brief description of conditions: as stated in procurement documents available to download from www.etenders.gov.ie using RFT ID 165973.โ Economic and financial standing
List and brief description of selection criteria:
โList and brief description of conditions: as stated in procurement documents available to download from www.etenders.gov.ie using RFT ID 165973.โ Conditions for participation
โList and brief description of conditions: as stated in procurement documents available to download from www.etenders.gov.ie using RFT ID 165973.โ Technical and professional ability
List and brief description of selection criteria:
โList and brief description of conditions: as stated in procurement documents available to download from www.etenders.gov.ie using RFT ID 165973.โ Conditions for participation
Conditions for participation (technical and professional ability):
โList and brief description of conditions: as stated in procurement documents available to download from www.etenders.gov.ie using RFT ID 165973.โ
Procedure Type of procedure
Open procedure
Administrative information
Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 2020-03-27
12:00 ๐
Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: English ๐ฃ๏ธ
Conditions for opening of tenders: 2020-03-27
12:00 ๐
Conditions for opening of tenders (place): 27/03/2019 12:00 โ OPW Offices Dublin. Electronic opening.
Conditions for opening of tenders (Information about authorised persons and opening procedure): Opened by 2 member of the OPW Procurement Team.
Complementary information Additional information
โTo all tendering bodies
Re: Architect led integrated design team for Altamont House and Gardens Development Project
The National Historic...โ
To all tendering bodies
Re: Architect led integrated design team for Altamont House and Gardens Development Project
The National Historic Properties Division of the Office of Public Works is pleased to invite you to submit a tender for an architect led integrated design team for the Altamont House and Gardens Development Project at Altamont House and Gardens, Ballon, Co. Carlow, as detailed in the following documents:
โ this letter of invitation to tender,
โ definitive project brief,
โ tender and schedule FTS9-v.1.7. 30.6.2016,
โ instructions to tenderers โ ITTs.2(b) V1.5,
โ Appendix No 1: 2019 Altamont House and Gardens Conservation Masterplan,
โ Appendix No 2: 2016-2019 Altamont Gardens Management Plan,
โ Appendix 3: Pricing schedule,
โ Appendix 4: Statement of policy with regard to confidentiality and Freedom of Information,
โ SAQ: Architect led integrated design team,
โ Appendix A1,
โ Appendix B3,
โ QC2 Appendix A,
โ QC2 Appendix B1.
The contract will be standard conditions of engagement for consultancy services (Technical) COE 1.
The successful tenderer will be required to produce a current Tax Clearance Cert and other documents specified in the tender documentation.
Tenderers must return tenders in the format described in the instructions to tenderers to be deemed a valid tender.
All Queries must be submitted through the Etenders/OJEU RFT. All queries must be submitted as soon as possible and in any event not later than queries date specified in the Etenders/OJEU RFT.
The latest time and date for return of tenders is: 12 p.m. (noon) on 27.3.2020.
We trust that the information provided is to your satisfaction, but should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.
Show more Review body
Name: The High Court
Postal address: High Court Central Office, Four Courts, Inns Quay
Postal town: Dublin 1
Country: Ireland ๐ฎ๐ช
Phone: +353 18886000๐
E-mail: highcourtcentraloffice@courts.ie๐ง
URL: www.courts.ie๐ Review procedure
Precise information on deadline(s) for review procedures:
โPrecise information on deadline(s) for review procedures:
The contract is covered by the application of the Remedies Directive and the relevant standstill...โ
Precise information on deadline(s) for review procedures
Precise information on deadline(s) for review procedures:
The contract is covered by the application of the Remedies Directive and the relevant standstill period applied at time of notification.
Show more
Source: OJS 2020/S 040-094863 (2020-02-21)
Additional information (2020-03-18)
Complementary information Original notice reference
Notice number in the OJ S: 2020/S 040-094863
Changes Text to be corrected in the original notice
Section number: IV.2.2)
Place of text to be modified: Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Old value
Date: 2020-03-27 ๐
Time: 12:00
New value
Date: 2020-04-10 ๐
Time: 12:00
Source: OJS 2020/S 057-137091 (2020-03-18)
Additional information (2020-03-20)
Changes Text to be corrected in the original notice
Section number: IV.2.7)
Place of text to be modified: Conditions for opening of tenders
Old value
Date: 2020-03-27 ๐
Time: 12:00
New value
Date: 2020-04-10 ๐
Time: 12:00
Other additional information
10 April 2020 12.00 โ OPW Offices Dublin. Electronic opening information about authorised persons and opening procedure:
Opened by two member of the...โ
10 April 2020 12.00 โ OPW Offices Dublin. Electronic opening information about authorised persons and opening procedure:
Opened by two member of the OPW procurement team.
Show more
Source: OJS 2020/S 058-139836 (2020-03-20)
Contract award notice (2020-11-10) Object Scope of the procurement
Short description:
โIntegrated design team services led by architect for the Altamont House and Gardens development project.โ Description
Description of the procurement:
โIntegrated design team services led by architect for the Altamont House and Gardens development projectโ Award criteria
Procedure Administrative information
Previous publication concerning this procedure: 2020/S 040-094863
Award of contract
Contract Number: 1
โArchitect Led Integrated Design Team for Altamont House and Gardens Development Projectโ Information on non-award
Other reasons (discontinuation of procedure)
Complementary information Additional information
โNotice of abandonment
In accordance with Regulation 55(1) of the European Union (Award of Public Authority Contracts) Regulations 2016, the tender process...โ
Notice of abandonment
In accordance with Regulation 55(1) of the European Union (Award of Public Authority Contracts) Regulations 2016, the tender process commenced by the contract notice dispatched on 21 February 2020 under reference 2020/S 040-094761 has been discontinued.
The authority has identified some issues with the evaluation methodology and subsequent evaluation process and has therefore decided to abandon this procurement. It is the authorityโs intention to address the identified issues so that it will have confidence in the robustness and integrity of the tender process. When this task has been completed, the authority intends to commence a new tender process and will publish the opportunity on OJEU in due course.
Show more Review body
Name: The Office of Public Works
Postal address: Jonathan Swift Street, C15 NX36
Postal town: Trim
Phone: +353 469426000๐
E-mail: info@opw.ie๐ง
URL: www.gov.ie/opw๐
Source: OJS 2020/S 222-545832 (2020-11-10)