Provision of Consultancy Services to Dublin City Council in 6 Lots as follows to support a Feasibility Study under the Urban Regeneration Development Fund for Artists Workspaces in Dublin
Dublin City Council proposes to engage in a competitive process for the award of 6 contracts as specified hereunder. Each service provider appointed will be required to work as part of the feasibility team to deliver the objectives set out in Section 2.1. of the tender document. The Lot 5 successful tenderer (building development and project management consultant) will take the lead role in coordinating the Team.
Lot 1: Communications Consultants.
Lot 2: European Cultural Project Management and Consultancy.
Lot 3: Financial Analysis Consultants.
Lot 4: Architectural Consultants.
Lot 5: Building Development and Project Management consultants.
Lot 6: Arts Consultants.
Please see the tender documents for full details, available on (RFT ID 150068)
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2019-06-10.
The procurement was published on 2019-05-10.
Object Scope of the procurement
“Provision of Consultancy Services to Dublin City Council in 6 Lots as follows to support a Feasibility Study under the Urban Regeneration Development Fund...”
Provision of Consultancy Services to Dublin City Council in 6 Lots as follows to support a Feasibility Study under the Urban Regeneration Development Fund for Artists Workspaces in Dublin
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Products/services: Feasibility study, advisory service, analysis📦
Short description:
“Dublin City Council proposes to engage in a competitive process for the award of 6 contracts as specified hereunder. Each service provider appointed will be...”
Short description
Dublin City Council proposes to engage in a competitive process for the award of 6 contracts as specified hereunder. Each service provider appointed will be required to work as part of the feasibility team to deliver the objectives set out in Section 2.1. of the tender document. The Lot 5 successful tenderer (building development and project management consultant) will take the lead role in coordinating the Team.
Lot 1: Communications Consultants.
Lot 2: European Cultural Project Management and Consultancy.
Lot 3: Financial Analysis Consultants.
Lot 4: Architectural Consultants.
Lot 5: Building Development and Project Management consultants.
Lot 6: Arts Consultants.
Please see the tender documents for full details, available on (RFT ID 150068)
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Estimated value excluding VAT: EUR 430 000 💰
Information about lots
Tenders may be submitted for all lots
Dublin City Council wish to secure the services by tender of a Communications Company to play a key role in the preparation of the feasibility study. The communications company will have at least 10 years’ experience of all aspects of internal and external communication including mitigation of Reputational Risk, Corporate and Mainstream Public Relations print and online, Social media Campaigns and Community Consultation both on digital platforms and face to face.
For full details please see the tender documents available on (RFT ID 150068)
Show more Award criteria
Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents
Scope of the procurement
Estimated total value excluding VAT: EUR 120 000 💰
Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
The time frame below is expressed in number of months.
Duration: 36
Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
This contract is subject to renewal ✅ Description
Description of renewals:
“The contract will be for a minimum period of 7 to 12 months with an option to extend for an additional 2 years.”
2️⃣ Scope of the procurement
Title: Lot 2: European Cultural Project Management and Consultancy
Lot Identification Number: 2
Additional products/services: Building consultancy services📦
Additional products/services: Project management consultancy services📦
Additional products/services: Design consultancy services📦
Additional products/services: Specialty design services📦
Additional products/services: Feasibility study, advisory service, analysis📦
Description of the procurement:
“An important component of the feasibility report will involve comparisons of Artist Workspaces internationally particularly in Europe with particular focus...”
Description of the procurement
An important component of the feasibility report will involve comparisons of Artist Workspaces internationally particularly in Europe with particular focus on innovative uses of these spaces and models of governance that help to “future proof” the design and management of the developments that Dublin City Council propose. Moreover, due to the private sector leverage and partnerships set out in the URDF criteria, a knowledge and understanding of private investment and private development of these types of buildings will be an essential component of any successful Feasibility Report under this Fund.
For full details please see the tender documents available on (RFT ID 150068).
Show more Scope of the procurement
Estimated total value excluding VAT: EUR 50 000 💰
3️⃣ Scope of the procurement
Title: Lot 3: Financial Analysis Consultants
Lot Identification Number: 3
Additional products/services: Financial consultancy services📦
Additional products/services: Financial management consultancy services📦
Description of the procurement:
“A key component of the feasibility study as set out above is financial feasibility of the proposed developments. The URDF Funds set out strict guidelines on...”
Description of the procurement
A key component of the feasibility study as set out above is financial feasibility of the proposed developments. The URDF Funds set out strict guidelines on the public/private component of the Fund and specifically the leverage of private sector investment through Public Funding. Dublin City Council therefore wish to appoint a contractor or a company to deliver a financial feasibility study as part of the overall feasibility study required. This company will have at least 10 years’ experience in the area of final analysis and feasibility and particularly in the area of report writing through desk research and learning how specialist financial knowledge can be applied through participation in a multidisciplinary team.
For full details please see the tender documents available on (RFT ID 150068).
Show more Scope of the procurement
Estimated total value excluding VAT: EUR 60 000 💰
Dublin City Council wish to use co-design and open design processes in the development of these sites where a comprehensive communication strategy will not only engage and consult with local residents, prospective users and other important stakeholders such as Government Agencies but also develop a citizen/practitioner led co-design group who will inform and help direct the design of the buildings involved. This process is intended to drive innovation, deepen ownership and underline the importance of such cultural developments within Dublin.
For full details please see the tender documents available on (RFT ID 150068).
Show more Scope of the procurement
Estimated total value excluding VAT: EUR 60 000 💰
5️⃣ Scope of the procurement
Title: Lot 5: Building Development and Project Management Consultants
Lot Identification Number: 5
Additional products/services: Building services consultancy services📦
Additional products/services: Construction project management services📦
Place of performance: Éire/Ireland🏙️
Description of the procurement:
“In order to complete the Feasibility Report Dublin City Council, wish to appoint a contractor or company to provide project management services and...”
Description of the procurement
In order to complete the Feasibility Report Dublin City Council, wish to appoint a contractor or company to provide project management services and coordination of the various contractors retained who will conduct the research into each area of the report. The project manager appointed will take charge and ensure the delivery of a high-quality Feasibility Study meeting the criteria set out by the URDF in a timely and competent manner.
For full details please see the tender documents available on (RFT ID 150068).
Show more Scope of the procurement
Estimated total value excluding VAT: EUR 100 000 💰
6️⃣ Scope of the procurement
Title: Lot 6: Arts Consultants
Lot Identification Number: 6
Additional products/services: Artistic and literary creation and interpretation services📦
Additional products/services: Artistic services📦
Additional products/services: Services provided by individual artists📦
Description of the procurement:
“A key feature of the feasibility study that will inform all chapters will be a comprehensive knowledge of studio provision in Dublin and nationally and an...”
Description of the procurement
A key feature of the feasibility study that will inform all chapters will be a comprehensive knowledge of studio provision in Dublin and nationally and an analysis of the key deficits and opportunities that have underpinned the original application to URDF.
The successful tender will provide this overview by desk research and site visits and will be available to provide briefings and informed commentary as part of a multidisciplinary team. Attendance at meetings with stakeholders as part of research and communication, an understanding of open design, co design and “citizen led” design is also required.
For full details please see the tender documents available on (RFT ID 150068).
Show more Scope of the procurement
Estimated total value excluding VAT: EUR 40 000 💰
Legal, economic, financial and technical information Economic and financial standing
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
Technical and professional ability
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
Conditions related to the contract
Contract performance conditions:
“Please see the tender documents available on (RFT ID 150068).”
Procedure Type of procedure
Open procedure
Administrative information
Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 2019-06-10
17:00 📅
Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: English 🗣️
Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: Irish 🗣️
The time frame below is expressed in number of months.
Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tender: 12
Conditions for opening of tenders: 2019-06-10
17:00 📅
Conditions for opening of tenders (place):
“The date and time for opening tenders set out above may change at the discretion of Dublin City Council.”
Complementary information Information about electronic workflows
Electronic invoicing will be accepted
Electronic payment will be used
Additional information
“Dublin City Council is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (FOI) 2014. If you consider that any of the information supplied by you...”
Dublin City Council is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (FOI) 2014. If you consider that any of the information supplied by you is either commercially sensitive or confidential in nature, this should be highlighted and the reasons for the sensitivity specified. In such cases, the relevant material, will in response to the FOI request; be examined in the light of the exemptions provided for in the Act.
It will be a condition for the award of any contract by Dublin City Council that the successful tenderer and all subcontractors (if applicable) produce a valid Tax Clearance Certificate from the Revenue Commissioners in compliance with Circular (43) 2006 (or as amended) and that the certificate will be maintained for the duration of the contract and will be on a 12 month basis. In the case of a non-resident tenderer, a statement of suitability from the Revenue Commissioners will be required.
Suppliers must register their interest on the eTenders website ( in order to be included on the mailing list for clarifications.
Please note in relation to all documents, that where reference is made to a particular standard, make, source, process, trademark, type or patent, that this is not to be regarded as a de facto requirement. In all such cases it should be understood that such indications are to be treated strictly and solely for reference purposes only, to which the words “or equivalent” will always be appended.
Please note also that all information relating to attachments, including clarifications and changes, will be published on the Irish Government Procurement Opportunities Portal ( only. Registration is free of charge. Dublin City Council will not accept responsibility for information relayed (or not relayed) via third parties.
The contract is primarily for use by the culture, recreation and economic services/department, but may also be extended for use by other divisions of Dublin City Council as requirements arise.
Emailed/faxed/late tenders will not be accepted.
Suppliers should note the following when making their submission:
— to enable submission of multiple documents concurrently, download and install the “Upload Manager ActiveX” facility to your eTenders user profile,
— when using the “Upload Manager” facility do not use the “Schedule” option,
— instead, use only the “Upload” option, which will enable monitoring of the upload,
— suppliers who do not use the upload manager can upload individual files, however please ensure to allow sufficient time for upload,
— there is a maximum upload limit of 2 GB per document. Documents larger than this should be divided into smaller files prior to upload,
— should you experience difficulty when uploading documents please contact the eTenders Support Desk for technical assistance. Email or Telephone: 353(0)212439277 (9:00 a.m. — 17:30 p.m. GMT)
Tenders may be submitted in English or in the Irish language.
Please note that OJEU contracts are covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA).
Appeals procedure: The body to whom appeals should be addressed is — The High Court, Four Courts, Inns Quay, Dublin 7.
All queries regarding this tender requirement or process must be submitted through the Irish Government Procurement Opportunities Portal (RFT ID: 150068) as a specific question. Responses will be circulated to those candidates/tenderers that have registered an interest in this notice on
The details of the person making a query will not be disclosed when circulating the response.
All queries must be submitted before 31 May @ 12:00 noon to enable issue of responses to all interested parties.
Please note that where documents are made available in both PDF and Word format, in the event that there is any discrepancy between the documents, the PDF version will take precedence.
Show more Review body
Name: The High Court
Postal address: Chief Registrar, High Court, Inns Quay
Postal town: Dublin
Postal code: Dublin 7
Country: Ireland 🇮🇪
Phone: +353 18886000📞
E-mail:📧 Review procedure
Precise information on deadline(s) for review procedures: Please contact your solicitor.
Source: OJS 2019/S 093-224776 (2019-05-10)
Contract award notice (2019-08-12) Object Scope of the procurement
Short description:
“Dublin City Council proposes to engage in a competitive process for the award of 6 contracts as specified hereunder. Each service provider appointed will be...”
Short description
Dublin City Council proposes to engage in a competitive process for the award of 6 contracts as specified hereunder. Each service provider appointed will be required to work as part of the feasibility team to deliver the objectives set out in Section 2.1. of the tender document. The Lot 5 successful tenderer (building development and project management consultant) will take the lead role in coordinating the team.
Lot 1: Communications Consultants;
Lot 2: European Cultural Project Management and Consultancy;
Lot 3: Financial Analysis Consultants;
Lot 4: Architectural Consultants;
Lot 5: Building Development and Project Management consultants;
Lot 6: Arts Consultants.
Please see the tender documents for full details, available on (RFT ID 150068).
Show more Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots ✅ Description
Description of the procurement:
“Dublin City Council wish to secure the services by tender of a communications company to play a key role in the preparation of the feasibility study. The...”
Description of the procurement
Dublin City Council wish to secure the services by tender of a communications company to play a key role in the preparation of the feasibility study. The communications company will have at least 10 years’ experience of all aspects of internal and external communication including mitigation of Reputational Risk, Corporate and Mainstream Public Relations print and online, Social media campaigns and community consultation both on digital platforms and face to face.
For full details please see the tender documents available on (RFT ID 150068)
Show more Award criteria
Quality criterion (name): Quality
Quality criterion (weighting): 70
Cost criterion (name): Price
Cost criterion (weighting): 20
Description of the procurement:
“An important component of the feasibility report will involve comparisons of artist workspaces internationally particularly in Europe with particular focus...”
Description of the procurement
An important component of the feasibility report will involve comparisons of artist workspaces internationally particularly in Europe with particular focus on innovative uses of these spaces and models of governance that help to ‘future proof’ the design and management of the developments that Dublin City Council propose. Moreover, due to the private sector leverage and partnerships set out in the URDF criteria, a knowledge and understanding of private investment and private development of these types of buildings will be an essential component of any successful feasibility report under this fund.
For full details please see the tender documents available on (RFT ID 150068)
Show more Award criteria
Cost criterion (weighting): 30
Description of the procurement:
“A key component of the feasibility study as set out above is financial feasibility of the proposed developments. The URDF Funds set out strict guidelines on...”
Description of the procurement
A key component of the feasibility study as set out above is financial feasibility of the proposed developments. The URDF Funds set out strict guidelines on the public/private component of the fund and specifically the leverage of private sector investment through public funding. Dublin City Council therefore wish to appoint a contractor or a company to deliver a financial feasibility study as part of the overall feasibility study required. This company will have at least 10 years’ experience in the area of final analysis and feasibility and particularly in the area of report writing through desk research and learning how specialist financial knowledge can be applied through participation in a multidisciplinary team.
For full details please see the tender documents available on (RFT ID 150068)
Show more
Description of the procurement:
“Dublin City Council wish to use co-design and open design processes in the development of these sites where a comprehensive communication strategy will not...”
Description of the procurement
Dublin City Council wish to use co-design and open design processes in the development of these sites where a comprehensive communication strategy will not only engage and consult with local residents, prospective users and other important stakeholders such as government agencies but also develop a citizen/practitioner led co-design group who will inform and help direct the design of the buildings involved. This process is intended to drive innovation, deepen ownership and underline the importance of such cultural developments within Dublin.
For full details please see the tender documents available on (RFT ID 150068)
Show more Scope of the procurement
Title: Lot 5: Building Development and Project Management consultants
Description of the procurement:
“In order to complete the feasibility report Dublin City Council, wish to appoint a contractor or company to provide project management services and...”
Description of the procurement
In order to complete the feasibility report Dublin City Council, wish to appoint a contractor or company to provide project management services and coordination of the various contractors retained who will conduct the research into each area of the report. The project manager appointed will take charge and ensure the delivery of a high-quality feasibility study meeting the criteria set out by the URDF in a timely and competent manner.
For full details please see the tender documents available on (RFT ID 150068)
Show more
Description of the procurement:
“A key feature of the feasibility study that will inform all chapters will be a comprehensive knowledge of studio provision in Dublin and nationally and an...”
Description of the procurement
A key feature of the feasibility study that will inform all chapters will be a comprehensive knowledge of studio provision in Dublin and nationally and an analysis of the key deficits and opportunities that have underpinned the original application to URDF.
The successful tender will provide this overview by desk research and site visits and will be available to provide briefings and informed commentary as part of a multidisciplinary team. Attendance at meetings with stakeholders as part of research and communication, an understanding of open design, co-design and ‘citizen led’ design is also required.
For full details please see the tender documents available on (RFT ID 150068)
Procedure Administrative information
Previous publication concerning this procedure: 2019/S 093-224776
Award of contract
Contract Number: 1
Title: Lot 1: Communications Consultants
Information on non-award
Other reasons (discontinuation of procedure)
Contract Number: 2
Title: Lot 2: European Cultural Project Management and Consultancy
Contract Number: 3
Title: Lot 3: Financial Analysis Consultants
Contract Number: 4
Title: Lot 4: Architectural Consultants
Contract Number: 5
Title: Lot 5: Building Development and Project Management consultants
Contract Number: 6
Title: Lot 6: Arts Consultants
Complementary information Additional information
“Dublin City Council is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (FOI) 2014. If you consider that any of the information supplied by you...”
Dublin City Council is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (FOI) 2014. If you consider that any of the information supplied by you is either commercially sensitive or confidential in nature, this should be highlighted and the reasons for the sensitivity specified. In such cases, the relevant material, will in response to the FOI request; be examined in the light of the exemptions provided for in the Act.
It will be a condition for the award of any contract by Dublin City Council that the successful tenderer and all sub-contractors (if applicable) produce a valid tax clearance certificate from the revenue commissioners in compliance with Circular (43) 2006 (or as amended) and that the certificate will be maintained for the duration of the contract and will be on a 12 month basis. In the case of a non-resident tenderer, a statement of suitability from the revenue commissioners will be required.
Suppliers must register their interest on the eTenders web site ( in order to be included on the mailing list for clarifications.
Please note in relation to all documents, that where reference is made to a particular standard, make, source, process, trademark, type or patent, that this is not to be regarded as a de facto requirement. In all such cases it should be understood that such indications are to be treated strictly and solely for reference purposes only, to which the words ‘or equivalent’ will always be appended.
Please note also that all information relating to attachments, including clarifications and changes, will be published on the Irish Government Procurement Opportunities Portal ( only. Registration is free of charge. Dublin City Council will not accept responsibility for information relayed (or not relayed) via third parties.
The contract is primarily for use by the culture, recreation and economic services/department, but may also be extended for use by other divisions of Dublin City Council as requirements arise.
Emailed/faxed/late tenders will not be accepted.
Suppliers should note the following when making their submission:
— to enable submission of multiple documents concurrently, download and install the ‘Upload Manager ActiveX’ facility to your eTenders user profile,
— when using the ‘Upload Manager’ facility do not use the ‘Schedule’ option,
— instead, use only the ‘Upload’ option, which will enable monitoring of the upload,
— suppliers who do not use the upload manager can upload individual files, however please ensure to allow sufficient time for upload,
— there is a maximum upload limit of 2GB per document. Documents larger than this should be divided into smaller files prior to upload,
— should you experience difficulty when uploading documents please contact the eTenders Support Desk for technical assistance. Email or Telephone: 353 (0) 21 243 92 77 (09:00am – 17:30pm GMT)
Tenders may be submitted in English or in the Irish language.
Please note that OJEU contracts are covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA).
Appeals procedure: the body to whom appeals should be addressed is – The High Court, Four Courts, Inns Quay, Dublin 7.
All queries regarding this tender requirement or process must be submitted through the Irish Government Procurement Opportunities Portal (RFT ID:150068) as a specific question. Responses will be circulated to those candidates/tenderers that have registered an interest in this notice on The details of the person making a query will not be disclosed when circulating the response.
All queries must be submitted before 31st May at 12.00 noon to enable issue of responses to all interested parties.
Please note that where documents are made available in both PDF and Word format, in the event that there is any discrepancy between the documents, the PDF version will take precedence.
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Source: OJS 2019/S 157-388384 (2019-08-12)