The Contracting Authority, Waterford City and County Council (WCCC) is seeking to establish a Multi-party Framework Agreement for Mechanical and Electrical Consultancy Services
The Contracting Authority, Waterford City and County Council (WCCC) is seeking to establish a multi-party framework agreement for mechanical and electrical consultancy services.
WCCC has a property portfolio in excess of 100 buildings, which are located throughout City and County Waterford and plan to upgrade a significant number of services within a number of the buildings over the next 4 years from 2019 -2023.
WCCC properties include offices, libraries, fire stations, sports centres, local authority properties, community centres etc.
Specific project requirements of the appointed consultants will include mechanical and electrical services design, Project Supervision Design Stage (PSDP), project management, health and safety and certification on completion of installations.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2018-11-05.
The procurement was published on 2018-10-03.
Object Scope of the procurement
โThe Contracting Authority, Waterford City and County Council (WCCC) is seeking to establish a Multi-party Framework Agreement for Mechanical and Electrical...โ
The Contracting Authority, Waterford City and County Council (WCCC) is seeking to establish a Multi-party Framework Agreement for Mechanical and Electrical Consultancy Services
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Products/services: Mechanical and electrical engineering services๐ฆ
Short description:
โThe Contracting Authority, Waterford City and County Council (WCCC) is seeking to establish a multi-party framework agreement for mechanical and electrical...โ
Short description
The Contracting Authority, Waterford City and County Council (WCCC) is seeking to establish a multi-party framework agreement for mechanical and electrical consultancy services.
WCCC has a property portfolio in excess of 100 buildings, which are located throughout City and County Waterford and plan to upgrade a significant number of services within a number of the buildings over the next 4 years from 2019 -2023.
WCCC properties include offices, libraries, fire stations, sports centres, local authority properties, community centres etc.
Specific project requirements of the appointed consultants will include mechanical and electrical services design, Project Supervision Design Stage (PSDP), project management, health and safety and certification on completion of installations.
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Estimated value excluding VAT: EUR 250 000 ๐ฐ
The Contracting Authority, Waterford City and County Council (WCCC) is seeking to establish a multi-party framework agreement for mechanical and electrical consultancy services.
WCCC has a property portfolio in excess of 100 buildings, which are located throughout City and County Waterford and plan to upgrade a significant number of services within a number of the buildings over the next 4 years from 2019 -2023.
WCCC properties include offices, libraries, fire stations, sports centres, local authority properties, community centres etc.
Specific project requirements of the appointed consultants will include mechanical and electrical services design, Project Supervision Design Stage (PSDP), project management, health and safety and certification on completion of installations.
Show more Award criteria
Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents
Scope of the procurement
Estimated total value excluding VAT: EUR 250 000 ๐ฐ
Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
The time frame below is expressed in number of months.
Duration: 48
Legal, economic, financial and technical information Conditions for participation
List and brief description of conditions: As stated in tender document.
Economic and financial standing
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
Technical and professional ability
Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents
Information about staff responsible for the performance of the contract
Obligation to indicate the names and professional qualifications of the staff assigned to performing the contract
Procedure Type of procedure
Open procedure
Information about a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system
Framework agreement with several operators
Envisaged maximum number of participants to the framework agreement: 8
Administrative information
Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 2018-11-05
15:00 ๐
Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: English ๐ฃ๏ธ
Tender must be valid until: 2019-11-04 ๐
Conditions for opening of tenders: 2018-11-05
15:00 ๐
Conditions for opening of tenders (place): Waterford City and County Council Offices.
Complementary information Information about electronic workflows
Electronic ordering will be used
Electronic invoicing will be accepted
Electronic payment will be used
Review body
Name: High Court
Postal address: Chief Registrar, The Four Courts, Inns Quay
Postal town: Dublin 7
Country: Ireland ๐ฎ๐ช
Phone: +353 18886000๐
E-mail: highcourtcentraloffice@courts.ie๐ง
Source: OJS 2018/S 193-436590 (2018-10-03)