Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Bathing Water Quality Challenge
The challenge is to develop a method of collating and communicating the quality of bathing water using all sources of information for the use of all stakeholders, namely bathers, local authority staff, the EPA and Irish Water. Bathers should be encouraged to report on their swimming experience at particular locations, with emphasis on reporting on perceived water quality. An improved method of communicating known bathing water quality risks to bathers is required, with information being provided to bathers on water quality testing results from a variety of sources and other information relating to activities and incidents that may affect bathing water quality.
The challenge being posed is to build on this concept and expand the availability of information through the development of more efficient communication systems. Bathers can find out which swimming locations are safest before leaving home.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2018-07-13.
The procurement was published on 2018-04-26.
Procurement history
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Contract notice