Expressions of interest from persons interested in providing accommodation and ancillary services on an urgent and emergency basis, in the state, for persons seeking international protection

Department of Justice and Equality

The Department of Justice and Equality through the Reception and Integration Agency (RIA) wishes to invite expressions of interest from persons interested in providing accommodation and ancillary services on an urgent and emergency basis, in the state, for persons seeking international protection.
This call for expressions of interest is in response to an urgent and increasing demand for accommodation and related services and any contract awarded will be for a 12 month period only.
This call for expressions of interest is seeking additional premises to those currently under contract with the Department.
A public tendering procedure will take place in 2018 to cover accommodation needs arising from mid-2018 onwards.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2018-01-26. The procurement was published on 2018-01-08.




Procurement history
Date Document
2018-01-08 Contract notice