Timber Haulage Services 2016

Coillte Teoranta

In line with Coillteโ€˜s established policy for contract procurement, we are now inviting replies from suitably qualified haulage contractors interested in being considered for admittance to a framework agreement for the supply of round log haulage services in 2016.
The purpose of this questionnaire is for Coillte to identify contractors who can meet our requirements and depending on the number of suitably qualified suppliers, to draw up a shortlist of candidates to be invited to tender for the above contracts. Please ensure that you complete all sections of the questionnaire as requested.
Failure to do so may result in your application being disqualified. You should be aware that the questionnaire will be scored in accordance with the attached weighted selection criteria and that certain questions may have a Pass/Fail criteria.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2015-08-05. The procurement was published on 2015-06-29.

The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:



Procurement history
Date Document
2015-06-29 Contract notice
2015-12-18 Contract award notice