Request for Tender for a single operator framework agreement for the provision of Professional Conference Management Services to the HRB

The Health Research Board

The Health Research Board (HRB) is the lead agency in Ireland supporting and funding health research. We provide funding, maintain health information systems and conduct research linked to national health priorities. Our aim is to improve people's health, build health research capacity and make a significant contribution to Ireland's knowledge economy.
As we embark on a new strategy, a key goal is to enhance recognition of the value of health research and the HRB's role nationally and internationally. Over the course of the new HRB strategy it is anticipated that we will run: -
1. 2 national conferences, which will aim to raise awareness and promote knowledge exchange about the benefit and potential of health research in relation to improving people's health and advancing health care. The target audience will include key policy makers, health service executives, funding agencies in health and research, industry and the wider health research community (250 to 300 people);
2. 2 grant holders conferences, which will centre around building an HR community and engaging with our research community. The target audience for this event is specifically the people we fund directly through our major grant programmes (180 people)
In order to deliver events of this size it is essential to have in place a competent conference management company who can manage registration, speakers, third party suppliers and provide good support on the ground at the event.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2015-11-03. The procurement was published on 2015-09-23.

The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:


Procurement history
Date Document
2015-09-23 Contract notice
2015-12-18 Contract award notice