Provision of transport services to the European Commission at its premises at Grange, Dunsany, County Meath, Ireland

European Commission, Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety, Unit F — Food and Veterinary Office

This activity covers the provision of a transport service along an agreed route between south County Dublin and the European Commission's premises in Grange, Dunsany, County Meath.
The eventual contractor shall provide 1 coach with a seating capacity of between 25 and 30 persons.
The vehicle providing the service is required to be between 0–5 years old.
The eventual contractor shall be responsible for ensuring full compliance with all legal requirements associated with the provision of this service, including but not limited to insurance, driving licences, road tax, seat belts and vehicle roadworthiness. Vehicles shall be maintained by the eventual contractor in a safe and roadworthy condition, complying in all respects with the provisions of the Road Traffic Act, 1961–2010 (as amended from time to time) and all regulatory and statutory instruments applicable to the provision of the services.
The transport service shall be provided once each morning and once each evening. The timetable in operation will be as follows and is indicative only:
Dublin to Grange:
Monday to Friday: 7:10.
Grange to Dublin:
Monday to Thursday: 17:15.
Friday: 16:15.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2015-07-31. The procurement was published on 2015-06-22.

The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:


Procurement history
Date Document
2015-06-22 Contract notice
2016-03-29 Contract award notice