LESC District Energy System

University College Cork (UCC)

University College Cork will utilise the National Energy Services framework set up by Sustainability Authority of Ireland (SEAI) in order to seek proposals from the energy services market that will fund an upgrade of the existing heating system via energy performance related payments or local energy supply contracts. A contract for installation and construction works to a new CHP energy centre followed by ongoing operation and maintenance of the energy centre together with the supply of energy to the campus by the successful tenderer (the โ€˜Contractโ€™). An experienced technical ESCO firm is sought to provide energy services (or works) at the main campus University in the form of an upgrade and operation of existing district energy system.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2015-09-28. The procurement was published on 2015-08-29.



Procurement history
Date Document
2015-08-29 Contract notice