Galway County Council seeks tenders for the hire of a Landfill Waste Compactor at the East Galway Landfill Site for a period of 36 mths commencing Quarter 3 2015

Galway County Council

The following machinery is required under the proposed contract and each item should be tendered for. The tenderer should visit the site in order to determine the compatibility and suitability of the plant for the works and environment.
2 No. Landfill Waste Compactors, Duty and Standby, purpose built refuse compactors, shall:
— be a maximum of 5 years old (i.e. 2010 or newer);
— be a minimum of 48 tonnes in weight;
— be a minimum of 525 horsepower;
— possess polygonal compaction wheels of steel type;
— have dozer blades of a minimum of 4 750 mm in width;
— be all wheel drive type with hydraulic differential lock;
— possess a reversing camera;
— possess roof mounted rotary flashing beacon, audible reversing alarm and warning horn;
— possess outside and inside rear mirrors;
— possess a fully stocked First Aid box suitable for up to 3 persons and Fire Extinguisher.
The Contractor will provide:
— a named suitably qualified Landfill Waste Compactor Driver;
— its own diesel (if deliveries of diesel are not direct to the compactors, then a fully certified Bowser must be maintained on site);
— routine and non routine maintenance and repairs in line with manufacturer's specification and frequency;
— compact refuse to density of at least 1 tonne per cubic metre;
— Co-operate with all reasonable landfill needs;
— avoid damage to HDPE liner system and other cell infrastructure;
— sufficient lighting on the machine for operating in dark conditions;
— the compactor must operate continuously compacting refuse, unless instructed otherwise by Landfilll Management staff;
— In the event of breakdown all repairs must be carried out during landfill operating hours;
— o.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2015-06-16. The procurement was published on 2015-05-07.



Procurement history
Date Document
2015-05-07 Contract notice
2015-05-20 Additional information