Tender for a multi supplier Framework tender for etutoring for SOLAS eCollege and associated Services


Service Required.
SOLAS eCollege develop, fund, monitor and report on a number of online courses currently delivered by companies under contract and put in place through the SOLAS Contracted Training Tender List (CTTL) procedures. A full list of existing courses is available at www.ecollege.ie and is constantly reviewed in line with employer demand and changes in certification. Course participants are recruited by Employment Service Offices throughout the country on a continuous intake basis. Currently approximately 800 clients per month are referred onto eCollege courses with approx. 700 of these learners activating and engaging with their course. Existing contractor's functions include the organising of and payment for examination events in test centres around the country e.g., Prometric, Pearson Vue, Certiport. At present eCollege centrally monitors course delivery, provides technical support for Learners and carries out individual contract tendering for new course provision.
The intention of this tender is to replace the existing individual CTTL contracts and the associated support for existing and new learners with fewer longer duration contracts to Service Providers who will provide a broader service to learners including e-tutor and technical support, internal monitoring of all courses, and a mechanism for adding new courses and expanding or contracting the number of courses and course participants as required. The service to be covered by this new approach to contracting is expected to start in February 2015.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2014-09-09. The procurement was published on 2014-08-15.




Procurement history
Date Document
2014-08-15 Contract notice