Standard Air Emissions Monitoring Programme (AEMP) of air emission compliance monitoring at selected EPA licensed sites in Ireland
The EPA has the statutory responsibility in Ireland for the regulation of industrial and waste installations falling within the scope of the Environmental Protection Agency Act and the Waste Management Act. Since the commencement of these licensing regimes, the Agency has granted in excess of 1000 licenses and over 200 of these include scheduled emissions to atmosphere with limit values that require periodic monitoring; the licence also defines the manner in which limits values shall be interpreted for compliance assessment.
Operators are required to carry out programmes of self-monitoring and report the results to the Office of Environmental Enforcement (OEE). As part of its regulatory functions and to provide public confidence, the OEE carries out an annual programme of independent monitoring. The OEE wishes to outsource this programme of independent monitoring by means of a competitive tender. The intention is to award one contract which will be of three year duration (subject to available budgets) and will involve air monitoring at a minimum of 60 sites per year.
The 3-year monitoring programme is to commence in the first quarter of 2015, and the project is expected to be completed by around September 2017.
The contract will be for a national project, covering the entire country. It is also intended to tender for a contract for the completion of monitoring at sites which require monitoring of dioxin emissions. Therefore the monitoring of dioxins in air emissions is not part of this project.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2014-10-22.
The procurement was published on 2014-09-12.
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Procurement history
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Contract notice
Contract award notice