Limerick Cultural Venue Strategy - Preparation of a Cultural Venues Strategy for Limerick City to include the National Diaspora Centre

Limerick City Council

The key objectives of the Limerick City Centre Cultural Venues Strategy are
1. Provide an overview of existing cultural venue provision in Limerick City Centre;
2. Make recommendations on the future provision of physical cultural infrastructure;
3. Identification of strategic locations/buildings (public and private) that can utilised either permanently or periodically as cultural venues;
4. Integration of the National Diaspora Centre into the cultural infrastructure of the City;
5. Assess the feasibility and location of a City Centre Conference Centre of scale;
6. Identification of potential sources of finance and the type of financing for cultural infrastructure and on-going operational costs. Sources could include EU, Local Government, Philanthropic, Government, Private and internal operating revenues. The project should be undertaken by a multidisciplinary team with expertise in Tourism, Culture, Ancestry, Design/Interpretation, Urban Planning/Architecture, and Marketing.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2014-04-22. The procurement was published on 2014-03-13.




Procurement history
Date Document
2014-03-13 Contract notice