KGTIMP2014 – Provision of Interpretation Consultancy to the OPW National Monuments Service in relation to Kilmainham Gaol & Courthouse, Kilmainham, Dublin 8
Kilmainham Gaol is one of Ireland's most significant historic sites and a designated National Monument. The Office of Public Works (OPW) is responsible for its preservation and protection and its operation as a successful heritage/visitor attraction.
Kilmainham Courthouse is located directly outside the perimeter wall of Kilmainham Gaol, and is itself a protected building of historical significance. A project is due to commence shortly to adapt the building to visitor uses.
The impetus for this project is:
The courthouse is currently disused and is available to be developed and integrated into the visitor attraction.
The number of visitors to the site in increasing leading to congestion and a disimprovement in the visitor experience.
The Government wish to implement a significant project at Kilmainham as part of the commemoration of the 1916 Easter Rising.
The project is due to be completed by January 2016, in time for the Rising Anniversary. The Interpretation Consultant selected as a result of this procurement will have a key role in the Building Design Team in relation to the development of Interpretative and Learning concepts to support the presentation of the Courthouse and Gaol to visitors.
The OPW now seeks an experienced design and project management consultancy to: Develop an Interpretation & Learning Strategy for the site;
Produce detailed interpretation and learning plans;
Undertake all associated design work (2d and 3d) associated with the new scheme and produce cost estimates;
Engage with the building Design Team in relation to the physical works necessary to place the interpretation within the building(s) envelope(s);
Produce tender and design documentation to procure a contractor;
Oversee the scheme's manufacture, production, installation and completion by 2016.
All within a defined budget which is to be developed and approved in conjunction with OPW National Monuments Service (the Client) project oversight.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2014-06-17.
The procurement was published on 2014-05-08.
Procurement history
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Contract notice