ED & Dialysis Fit Out & Other Works Project - New Emergency Department & Dialysis Unit Fit Out & Associated Other Works Project at University Hospital Limerick

Health Service Executive (HSE)

The project includes the fit-out for new Emergency and Dialysis Departments
and related other works at University Hospital Limerick. The Emergency Department will be mainly accommodated in a shell building at level 0, part of which is directly underneath the hospital's current live Intensive Care Unit and the remainder of the shell space is underneath another shell space at level 1 which will also be fitted out as part of the works to provide a new dialysis unit for the hospital. The works will include all necessary works to facilitate the new departments including a new plant room at level 2 and modifications to the Critical Care Unit and its environs and minor works at levels -1 and -2 which will be a live public car park. This proposed fit out is a complex acute hospital project. It includes a number of construction phases and also includes a series of work elements additional to the fit out of the new shell space. For example, it includes demolition and reconfiguration of some existing accommodation occupied by the dialysis department, demolition of an existing electrical plant room, diversion of live services and modifications to existing hospital lifts to provide dual access lifts. The project needs to reconcile construction activities in very close proximity to the hospital's new intensive care department and cardiology department with maintaining access routes for the public, ambulance services and staff and various other risk management requirements. It will also include a new dedicated controlled site entrance for ambulance traffic along with minor associated modifications to the internal road layouts, a new ambulance canopy and a new generator plant room and associated fuel tank. The overall gross floor area (GFA) for the new emergency department is circa 4288 sq m, with a GFA of 2006 at level 1 including dialysis department and hospital street connection. Total plant allowance is an additional 1325 sq m which includes a plant room of circa 757 sq m at level 2, other plant locations throughout the building and a generator enclosure of circa 132 sq m. The project also includes works to facilitate the future expansion of wards directly above the renal dialysis unit at future levels 2,3,4 & 5. Works to adjacent boundaries, landscaping and an internal courtyard are also included.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2014-07-29. The procurement was published on 2014-06-21.



Procurement history
Date Document
2014-06-21 Contract notice