14003 TV HD Cameras and Lenses - 14003 Television HD Cameras and Lenses Upgrade
RTÉ invites submissions, from suitably qualified Tenderers to supply up to 32 High Definition Studio Camera and Lenses as defined within this tender document over a 4 year period extendable by up to 2 years in two separate Lots.
RTÉ intend to procure Camera chains with Lenses from Lot 1 and/or Camera chains with no Lenses from Lot 2 and/or Lenses only from Lot 3.
As part of Phase 1 in 2014 RTÉ expect to purchase 8 cameras with an option of purchasing up to 9 lenses.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2014-03-19.
The procurement was published on 2014-02-07.
Procurement history
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Contract notice