RT13_012 - The Provision of Telecommunications Services for Bord Gais Energy

Bord Gais Eireann

Bord Gรกis Energy is undertaking a competitive tendering process, seeking to enter into a contract with one or more providers to meet its requirements for Telecommunications
Services. The expected scope of services will be sub-divided into the following 4 separate Lots:
Lot 1: Wide Area Networking Services;
Lot 2: Fixed Line Telephony Services;
Lot 3: Non-Geographic Number Services, and
Lot 4: Mobile Voice, Messaging and Data Services.
In providing these services, Bord Gรกis Energy seeks Service Providers who will provide:
robust and reliable services; flexibility to address emerging business needs; and innovative solutions that leverage new technologies and deliver cost savings for Bord Gรกis Energy.
Please note that Applicants can apply to pre-qualify for any number and combination of Lots (i.e. minimum of 1 Lot, maximum of all 4 Lots). It is anticipated that the Contracts
entered into in respect of each of the above Lots will commence in Q3 2013 and continue for a period of 3 years with an option to extend the contract once up to a
maximum of 2 years, subject to a review after the 3 year period and at the sole discretion of Bord Gรกis (Energy). For the avoidance of doubt, separate contracts will be entered into in respect of each Lot.
Expressions of Interest should be sent by email to dchodyn@bordgais.ie
The submissions should be sent to The Energy Procurement Manager, 3rd Floor, City Quarter, Lapps Quay, Cork, Ireland.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2013-05-10. The procurement was published on 2013-04-04.




Procurement history
Date Document
2013-04-04 Contract notice