13/020 - Provision of Telecommunications Services to Bord Gáis Éireann

Bord Gais Eireann

Bord Gáis Éireann is tendering a range of services through the Competition in relation to the provision of Telecommunications Services to BGE. These telecommunications services will be sub-divided into 5 separate Lots.
It is anticipated that BGE will enter into separate multi-provider framework agreements for each of the following Lots:
Lot 1: Wide Area Networking Services, including the provision of WAN links and Internet Connectivity.
Lot 2: Fixed Line Telephony Services, including the provision of public switched telephone network (PSTN) connectivity; support and maintenance of existing telephony equipment; and provision, installation and configuration of additional telephony equipment.
Lot 3: Non-Geographic Number Services, including the routing of calls to non-geographic numbers (such as 1850, 1800, 0818, 1890, etc).
Lot 4: Mobile Voice, Messaging & Data Services, including the provision of mobile devices providing voice calling, text messaging and data services.
Lot 5: Telemetry, Instrumentation and SCADA Communications Services, including the provision of technical advice and communications infrastructure for telemetry, instrumentation and SCADA data for water and waste water assets.
The scope of the multi-party framework agreements is for the provision of telecommunications services to BGE. Tenderers should note that separate contracts have already been awarded for the provision of telecommunication services to the Networks business of BGE pursuant to Contract notice 2011/S 154-256580. In addition, a separate Contract Notice will be issued in relation to the provision of telecommunications services for Bord Gáis Energy. The multi-party framework agreements the subject of this tender competition are initially intended to primarily meet the telecommunications needs of the Irish Water and Group businesses of BGE – however, this will not preclude other BGE businesses availing of the services procured under these framework agreement during the term of these agreements.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2013-05-10. The procurement was published on 2013-04-03.




Procurement history
Date Document
2013-04-03 Contract notice