005 Infrastructure Platform - The Provision of an Infrastructure Platform to Horse Racing Ireland
Horse Racing Ireland (HRI) was established by the Irish Government under the Horse and Greyhound Racing Act 2001. It is a commercial semi-state body that took over the functions previously carried out by the Irish Horse Racing Authority and is responsible for the promotion, development and administration of Irish horse racing HRI subsidiaries include Irish Thoroughbred Marketing Ltd (ITM), Tote Ireland Ltd and the HRI Racecourse Division.
HRI Headquarters are located in Ballymany, Newbridge, Co Kildare.
HRI is now seeking Expressions of Interest from suitably qualified service providers for the provision of an infrastructure platform to HRI.
This competition comprises three lots (i.e., it is intended to award three separate contracts) as follows:
Lot 1: Hosting and Co-Location Facilities (Maximum Potential Duration: 5 Years).
Lot 2: WAN Connectivity to Government Networks (Maximum Potential Duration: 5 Years).
Lot 3: Dedicated Connection to Primary Data Centre (Maximum Potential Duration: 5 Years).
Candidates may apply for one or more lots. If applying for more than one lot, candidates must submit a separate Expression of Interest for each lot applied for.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2014-01-13.
The procurement was published on 2013-12-06.
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