Transport planning management services and in-cab technology systems


Coillte is responsible for the sustainable management of the forestry resources in the Republic of Ireland of almost 450 000 hectares. This includes producing and selling over 2 400 000 cubic metres of round-wood timber. Almost 1 600 000 cubic metres of timber is sold to the sawmilling industry, with a further 800 000 cubic metres being supplied to Coillteโ€™s panel-board mills i.e. SmartPly Europe and Medite Europe. Coillte directly manage the transport planning function and organise specialist timber hauliers to deliver pulp logs into the two panel-board mills. Sawmills organise all of their own haulage and transport requirements for logs produced from stumpage sales (i.e. logs sold standing in the forest) and roadside sales (i.e. logs harvested directly by Coillte and stacked at roadside in the forest).
Presently there are approximately 80 000 movements of logs per annum from forest to customer, utilising over 450 specialised logging trucks. There are approximately 110 separate haulage companies operating in the transportation of these logs. There is a significant opportunity for improvement in both service and transport cost performance.
Coillte is planning to introduce a centralised transport planning and management model into its consigned haulage, in order to realise some of these improvement opportunities. This new model will operate as follows:
โ€” It is envisaged that all trucks operating in Coillte forests will be equipped with the latest tracking and communication technology,
โ€” The transport planning and dispatch of timber, currently being delivered by Coillte consigned hauliers, will be managed centrally by an outsourced dispatch company,
โ€” The dispatch company will manage the movements of timber to deliver the required level of service at optimum transport cost while complying with all related legal, social and corporate responsibilities,
โ€” Coillte will continue to procure and manage relationships with haulage service providers.
In this regard, Coillte is now inviting expressions of interest from suitably experienced service providers who can provide either one or both of the following services:
1. The supply, installation and maintenance of in-cab technology to provide the following:
โ€” Real time tracking of vehicles,
โ€” Real time monitoring of vehicle metrics and telematics,
โ€” Real time monitoring of transport performance and compliance e.g. speed and weight,
โ€” In-cab interface for communicating dispatch orders and proof of delivery.
2. Transport planning and dispatch management of delivery loads to include the following:
โ€” Dispatch trucks to meet customer service requirements e.g. delivery times,
โ€” Optimum allocation of loads from forest to customers in order to; Optimise vehicle utilisation; Minimise travel distances; Reduce carbon emissions; Regular reporting of delivery and haulier performance.
Demonstration of a proven capability to deliver similar services will be important in the selection of a service provider. Following receipt of expressions of interest, suitably qualified service providers will be invited to engage with Coillte in a competitive dialogue process.
Note: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders web site at
The awarding authority has indicated that it will accept electronic responses to this notice via a 'Tender submission postbox' facility. Further details of this facility are available at
Suppliers are advised to allow adequate time for uploading documents and to dispatch the electronic response well in advance of the closing time to avoid any last minute problems. The postbox closes precisely at the time stated.

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2012-05-31. The procurement was published on 2012-05-01.




Procurement history
Date Document
2012-05-01 Contract notice