Provision of tower site design & consultancy services to Coillte Telecoms


Coillte Telecoms is a group within the Coillte Enterprise Division which is responsible for leveraging and developing the Coillte asset base within the Irish telecommunications marketplace.
Coillte Telecoms manages a growing portfolio of assets which includes:
โ€” 118 Coillte-owned telecommunications structures,
โ€” 3rd party telecommunications infrastructure on over 200 Coillte locations,
โ€” Equipment belonging to approximately 50 different communications operators,
โ€” Some of the key high-site telecommunications installations in Ireland.
Coillte is now seeking expressions of interest to appoint consultant(s) to provide telecoms site design services & consulting relating to the planning, design, acceptance, survey and operation of telecommunications tower sites.
A full range of tower site design services will be required, including:
โ€” Structural & foundation analysis,
โ€” Tower site design, including electrical, earthing & lightning protection, structural, civils and H&S design,
โ€” Tower site acceptance, sign-off and certification services,
โ€” Production of tower site general arrangement drawings, full planning drawings, detailed design drawings, as-built drawings.
A full range of tower site survey services will be required, including:
โ€” Existing tower site survey,
โ€” Existing tower full climb down & operational certification,
โ€” Geotechnical survey,
โ€” Existing foundation survey,
โ€” Site H&S assessments.
A full range of tower site planning services will be required, including:
โ€” Full planning applications, including all necessary supporting documentation, planning authority interaction and appeals,
โ€” Planning retention applications, including all necessary supporting documentation, planning authority interaction and appeals,
โ€” Planning compliance assessments.
Certain consultancy services may be required, including provision of support on:
โ€” Coillte Telecoms drawing standards,
โ€” Coillte Telecoms site design standards,
โ€” Coillte Telecoms site acceptance standards,
โ€” Coillte Telecoms health & safety policies.
Coillte requires a service provider that is capable of providing an end to end solution incorporating all of the services outlined above. It is our intention to set up a panel with one or more service providers for this purpose. Only candidates with suitable experience of all of the elements required should apply to this competition. More detailed information on these requirements will be provided at tender stage.
Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders web site at

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2012-02-08. The procurement was published on 2012-01-20.




Procurement history
Date Document
2012-01-20 Contract notice