NUIG/BUILD/017/12; Works Contractor for Clinical/Translational Research Facility

National University of Ireland, Galway (NUI Galway)

The proposed Clinical Research Facility and Translational Research Facility (CRF-TRF) is a four-storey building plus roof level penthouse plant enclosure with a gross floor area of 5,300mยฒ. The building has been designed as a hi-technology clinical science research facility. This facility is a joint development of the Health Service Executive and National University of Ireland Galway where sharing of expertise and accommodation including HSE patient casework will inform new strands of clinical research.
The CRF-TRF project is located on the grounds of University Hospital Galway and is directly adjacent to the Clinical Science Institute, Critical Care Facilities, Ward Accommodation Block and the Maternity Wards. The maintenance and protection of existing hospital activities, access routes and infrastructural services will be of critical importance.
The Clinical Research Facility (CRF) is accommodated on the ground and first floors. The ground floor accommodates two main patientsโ€™ zones, namely the low-intensity outpatients and the outpatients attending invasive procedures zones, whilst the first floor includes an inpatient, staff support and research zones. The CRF will have direct links to the existing hospital at both ground and first floor levels. The CRF will be fully owned and operated by the Health Service Executive and University Hospital Galway.
The Translational Research Facility (TRF) is accommodated on the second and third floor, the internal planning provides for open and flexible lab spaces with dispersed core lab functions and highly flexible lab casework systems that promote interaction and accommodate a variety of current and future modes of research. The TRF will have direct links to the Clinical Science Institute at both ground and 2nd floor levels. The TRF will be fully owned and operated by the National University of Ireland Galway.
The CRF-TRF project also includes for all required lifts and stair cores, including all associated site works, infrastructure and services including commissioning and links to the existing hospital at ground and first floor levels. The works also include for all required site clearance, bulk excavations, demolition, alterations and relocation of existing site services.
NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2012-09-19. The procurement was published on 2012-08-13.




Procurement history
Date Document
2012-08-13 Contract notice