Mail delivery to all UK destinations
An Post is the Irish National Postal Service Provider. An Post is looking for a supplier who can provide a service to accept parcel/courier mail from An Post five (5) days per week Monday to Friday for next day delivery to all UK destinations. The following are the principal requirements for this service:
— the product for UK delivery includes Standard Parcels, Registered Parcels and Courier Products with a maximum weight of 20kg per item,
— all mail items are due next day delivery,
— all items are bar- coded and scanned out of An Post Office of Exchange,
— all items are scanned to pallet boxes bar-coded to service provider,
— separate pallet boxes are used for Standard, Registered and Courier product. (During peak times items will be loose loaded to container),
— a pre-alert is sent to the service provider detailing the number of items in each pallet box,
— mail is despatched to service provider in labelled pallet boxes by surface container,
— pallet boxes to be offloaded at service providers premises and the container continues on to London destination. Full containers will be utilised when volumes permit,
— confirmation of trailer receipt by service provider to be returned to An Post immediately,
— service provider must have capability to read An Post barcodes or over label with their own barcode label. Where the service provider applies its own barcode this must be paired with the An Post barcode so as to provide full track and trace information on each item,
— confirmation of receipt of items listed in despatch to be sent by service provider,
— suitable arrangements for return of undeliverable items to be agreed with service provider,
— service provider must provide An Post Customer Services Department with a daily exception report of items which cannot be delivered,
— see historical volumes attached An Post will require the supplier to confirm the latest time for acceptance of mail in order to achieve next day delivery.
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2013-01-07.
The procurement was published on 2012-12-11.
The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:
Procurement history
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Contract notice
Contract award notice