NUIG/BUILD/030/10; Design and build contractor for research bundle project at NUI Galway

National University of Ireland, Galway

NUI Galway is embarking on an ambitious plan to rapidly develop suitable accommodation and facilities to enhance research and innovation. It is required that these facilities are ready to operate fit-for-purpose by September 2012. To this end, the NUI Galway is seeking innovative methods of procurement, value management, briefing and construction to meet this deadline.
The NUI Galway Research Bundle project will comprise the construction of a bundle of three (3) separate buildings as follows;
1. A stand-alone hi-technology Science Research Building (SRB) of approximately 8 000 sq.m., to include a Bio-Resources Unit, on the northern part of the NUI Galway campus.
2. An extension to the James Hardiman Library (a protected structure) for a Humanities and social sciences research building (AHSSRB) of approximately 5 400 sq.m., including associated works to the existing building on the main NUI Galway campus.
3. A Clinical & translational research facility (CRF-TRF), of approximately 5 100 sq.m., including associated works to the existing Clinical science institute and cardiac surgey ward on the University Hospital Galway campus.
Applicants are advised that an OJEU Competition (Ref DEC111142) for the NUI Galway research bundle project was previously conducted and that this competition concluded with the appointment of a contractor (the "original contractor") under the public works contract for building works designed by the contractor and the issue of a contract award notice. A receiver was appointed to the Original Contractor in November 2010. Subsequently, the Original Contractor's obligation to complete the Works was terminated by NUI Galway. The Works for both the SRB and the AHSSRB buildings had commenced and these sites are currently at various stages of construction. It is now intended as part of this new procurement process to appoint a contractor to complete the Works under the Research bundle project. Applicants are advised that the successful tenderer will be required to take full responsibility for all Works carried out by the Original Contractor on the Research Bundle Project.
It is NUI Galwayโ€™s intention to award a Contract for all three (3) buildings, however Applicants are advised that NUI Galway will reserve the right to proceed with only two (2) of these buildings (i.e. the SRB and the AHSSRB). Responses to this questionnaire will be assessed on the basis of Applicants ability to undertake at least two (2) of these Projects.
It is intended that the Single point design team consortium will be novated to the successful Works Contractor at the point of Contract and will, become part of the Works Contractorโ€™s team.
Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at

The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2011-02-28. The procurement was published on 2011-02-11.

The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:



Procurement history
Date Document
2011-02-11 Contract notice
2012-02-03 Contract award notice