DCU PRTLIV Equipment Round 1 2011
Lot 1: Fast-field-cycling Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Relaxometer.
Ref. PRTLI5-001 DCU wishes to purchase a fast-field-cycling NMR Relaxometer for use in research programmes in nanotechnology and soft matter. The field switching time and field homogeneity should be sufficiently high to make possible detailed studies of molecular dynamics. Specifically the instrument should be capable of measuring solid and liquid state NMR relaxation times across a wide range of magnetic field strengths, timescales and sample temperatures.
Lot 1(a) Supply and installation of a chiller system and associated equipment for Fast-field-cycling NMR Relaxometer.
Ref. PRTLI5-001A As part of the purchase of PRTLI5-001, a new chiller system, leak detection system and installation of insulation to a large external buffer vessel is required.
Lot 2: Maskless Lithography.
Ref. PRTLI5-002 As a central part of the microfabrication suite to be established in the Nano-Bio-Analytical Research Facility at Dublin City University (DCU), we are looking for a mask-less lithography system. The main application will be the micron-scale and sub-micron scale, near-UV (350 nm to 400 nm) patterning of thick photoresists, mainly SU-8 but possibly also dry resist. The patterns generated in thick photoresist will mainly be used as direct or indirect replication templates in polymer microfabrication, but might also be used directly in microfluidics applications. Also, mask writing, which is typically the mainstream application of mask-less lithography systems, would be a useful addition to the core system.
Lot 3: Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) System.
Ref. PRTLI5-003 The TIRF system supplied will be required to visualise various cell structures in animal cell systems, patterned nanomaterials and interactions with these surfaces. The TIRF system should have a capability of visualising over time, accommodate a flow cell system and for stage positioning. The system should be supplied with the necessary software for full system control and subsequent analysis.
Lot 4: Metal Deposition.
Ref. PRTLI5-004 DCU seeks a system to deposit metal layers on micro-fabricated substrates, e.g. silicon and glass wafers, SU-8 photoresist layers and polymers substrates. These layers will typically be patterned by lithographically enabled โlift-offโ processes to form micro-structured electrodes in microfluidic systems.
Lot 5: Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) upgrade.
Ref. PRTLI5-005 DCU seeks an upgrade of hardware, controller and software to existing Veeco (now Bruker Nano) Dimension 3100 AFM and must be fully compatible with the existing AFM system which has an extender box (Model EX1) and runs Nano-scope III software.
Lot 6: Langmuir-Blodgett.
Ref. PRTLI5-006 DCU seeks a Langmuir-Blodgett trough suitable for the deposition of close-packed monolayers of e.g. polystyrene nano-spheres (diameters 200 nm up to several microns) and other material monolayers on a variety of substrate types and sizes.
Lot 7: Proteomics System.
DCU invites tenders submissions for the supply of the following:
Item 1:
Ref. PRTLI5-007 - #NB01 Instrument for counting cultured cells.
DCU requires a cell counter capable of counting live and dead cells in either tubes or plates, with a reading time of not more than 1min/sample and requiring a maximum sample volume of 1ml.
Item 2:
Ref. PRTLI5-007 - #NB02 Orbital shaker incubator.
DCU requires an orbital incubator/shaker for culturing mammalian cells in suspension within a temperature range of ambient to 50ยบC; within a humidity range of ambient to 90 %; within a CO2 atmosphere of ambient to 10 % (v/v).
Item 3:
Ref. PRTLI5-007 - #PD01 Spectrophotometer.
DCU requires a spectrophotometer that can determine the concentration of a compound or particles in a solution or suspension by measuring the intensity of light passing through a sample due to absorption or excitation.
Item 4:
Ref. PRTLI5-007 - #PD02.
Item 4A: An instrument that is capable of measuring immunoglobulin or other protein concentration in liquid samples.
Item 4B: An instrument for measuring protein concentrations in both single- and multi-plex formats.
Item 4c: An instrument that is capable of performing both functions outlined in 4A and 4B.
Item 5:
Ref. PRTLI5-007 - #PM01 Label-free LC-MS proteomic software. Label-free quantitative LC-MS software for the analysis of differential expression of proteins and peptides among experimental groups. The software will also allow for differentially expressed proteins to be identified and characterised.
Item 6:
Ref. PRTLI5-007 - #PM02 Nano Liquid Chromatography System. A nano LC system for proteomic applications.
Item 7:
Ref. PRTLI5-007 - #PM03a Triple Quadra-pole Mass Spectrometer. A triple quadra-pole mass spectrometer for MRM (Multiple Reaction Monitoring) analysis of proteins/peptides in biological fluids in order to quantify a protein/peptide of interest.
Ref. PRTLI5-007 - #PM03b Software for MRM analysis.
Software to aid the building and optimization of targeted peptide quantitative assays for biomarker verification or other targeted quantitative proteomic applications.
Ref. PRTLI5-007 โ #PM03c Nano liquid chromatography system.
A nano LC system for separating peptides for MRM analysis.
NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at
The time limit for receipt of tenders was 2011-12-21.
The procurement was published on 2011-11-08.
The following suppliers are mentioned in award decisions or other procurement documents:
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