Supplier: TU Dublin โ€” Blanchardstown Campus

One archived procurement

TU Dublin โ€” Blanchardstown Campus has historically been a supplier of education and training services, training services, and specialist training services.

Recent procurements where the supplier TU Dublin โ€” Blanchardstown Campus is mentioned

2019-04-23   Review, Redesign and Implementation of a National Framework of Qualifications Accredited Training (Citizens Information Board)
This competition relates to the provision of a review, redesign and implementation of the accredited training provided at Level 6 on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) appropriate for information providers from the Citizens Information Services (CIS) and the Citizens Information Phone Service (CIPS) whose staff engage in providing social and civil information on a range of queries to the public. View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: TU Dublin โ€” Blanchardstown Campus