Supplier: SYSTEM 7 RAIL TECHNOLOGY GmbH (Lead member of the System 7 Consortium),

One archived procurement

Recent procurements where the supplier SYSTEM 7 RAIL TECHNOLOGY GmbH (Lead member of the System 7 Consortium), is mentioned

2020-05-22   Supply and Delivery of an On-Track Railway Ballast Regulator (Iarnrod Eireann-Irish Rail)
This is a call to competition by IE for the supply and delivery of an on-track ballast regulator. As part of IEโ€™s strategy with regard to on track machines, it is now proposed to commence the pre-qualification process to identify a number of suitably qualified candidates to participate in the tender for the supply of an on-track ballast regulator. The contract will also include for the necessary training in the operation and maintenance of the machine to In-house IE staff and external contracting โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: STMG GmbH (historic name) -new name:... SYSTEM 7 GROUP GmbH SYSTEM 7 METAL TECHNOLOGY GmbH SYSTEM 7 RAIL SUPPORT GmbH SYSTEM 7 RAIL TECHNOLOGY GmbH (Lead...