Supplier: Roffey Park Institute Ireland Company Limited By Guarantee

One archived procurement

Roffey Park Institute Ireland Company Limited By Guarantee has historically been a supplier of education and training services, training services, and specialist training services.

Recent procurements where the supplier Roffey Park Institute Ireland Company Limited By Guarantee is mentioned

2022-04-29   Request for Tenders for the Provision of Executive Leadership (Talent Management) Programmes for Principal Officer... (Department of Public Expenditure and Reform)
In summary, the services comprise: the design and delivery of two comprehensive programmes, each of nine [9] months duration, within a Talent Management context for: (1) Deputy Secretaries, Assistant Secretaries and equivalents (SPS level) and (2) Principal Officers and equivalents. The two programmes may run concurrently but the Contracting Authority reserves the right to require one programme to be delivered in advance of the other. The focus of the programmes will be on strengthening participantsโ€™ โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Roffey Park Institute Ireland Company...