Supplier: Randridge Smart Ev Limited trading as Randridge Technologies

One archived procurement

Randridge Smart Ev Limited trading as Randridge Technologies has historically been a supplier of electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; lighting, electrical equipment and apparatus, and electrical equipment for engines and vehicles.

Recent procurements where the supplier Randridge Smart Ev Limited trading as Randridge Technologies is mentioned

2022-04-21   Provision of and Installation of Electric Vehicle (EV) charging units to support SEAIโ€™s EV Commercial Fleet Trial (Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland)
The objective of this RFT is to invite proposals from suitably qualified service providers for the provision of and installation of EV charging units to support SEAIโ€™s EV Commercial Fleet trial. Please refer to the Request for Tender available at for further information. View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Randridge Smart Ev Limited trading as...