Supplier: Polymetrika International

One archived procurement

Polymetrika International has historically been a supplier of software package and information systems, industry specific software package, and educational software package.

Recent procurements where the supplier Polymetrika International is mentioned

2021-01-25   RFT for Educational Psychometric and Technical Expert Services using large scale Item Response Theory (IRT) (Educational Research Centre)
In summary, this covers the provision of expert guidance and support (tailored capacity building/training and worked examples such as workflows, processes, programming code) in four areas of strategic importance to the work of the ERC, with these to be agreed by way of annual workplans. This will involve demonstrating capability to advise, train nominated personnel in the techniques relevant to the tender subject matter and consult on deploying the services of the ERC via online tools. View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Polymetrika International