Supplier: Perigord Group

2 archived procurements

Recent procurements where the supplier Perigord Group is mentioned

2013-10-18   Printing and Ancillary Logistic - RFT to establish a Multi Supplier Framework for the Supply of Printing and... (Department of Social Protection)
To establish a multi-operator Framework Agreement, with a maximum number of eleven (11 No.) Framework Members, to supply printing and ancillary logistics services such as storage, stock control and distribution of printed items for the Department. The purpose of this submission is to seek sanction to go out to tender for print and related logistic services. View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Colorman Ireland Limited DC Kavanagh Kellyprint KPW Print Perigord Group Serla Print Group Spectrum Print Logistics
2011-11-03   Print and Design Services to DAA at Dublin, Cork and Shannon Airports (Dublin Airport Authority plc)
DAA invites Requests for Information in relation for provision of Print and Design Requirements for Dublin, Cork and Shannon Airports. This will be divided into three Lots where tenderers can bid for any combination of lots. Proposed Lots are. โ€” Multi Party Framework Agreement โ€“ Lot 1 โ€“ Design requirement, โ€” Single Party Framework Agreement โ€“ Lot 2 โ€“ Print Requirement, โ€” Single Party Framework Agreement โ€“ Lot 3 โ€“ Design and Print of Annual Report. Design Requirement: The DAA produces a range of โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Acorn Marketing Atelier David Smith Huguenot Image House Perigord Group