Supplier: NJT Contract Services

One archived procurement

Recent procurements where the supplier NJT Contract Services is mentioned

2020-07-27   Request for Tenders for Appointment to Frameworks for the Provision of Logistics/Operations Functions to the Dublin... (Dublin County Returning Officer)
Tenders are invited for appointment to frameworks for the provision of logistics/operations functions to the Dublin City Returning Officer and to the Dublin County Returning Officer. The services comprise: โ€” Provision of Logistics/Operations Functions for the Office of the Dublin City Returning Officer โ€“ lot 1; and โ€” Provision of Logistics/Operations Functions for the Office of the Dublin County Returning Officer โ€“ lot 2. It is anticipated that a single (1) member (the โ€˜Framework Memberโ€™) will be โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: B-Fast Parcels Ltd Haughton Exhibitions Ltd NJT Contract Services Superleague (Ireland) Ltd