Supplier: Nitrofert

One archived procurement

Nitrofert has historically been a supplier of chemical products, fine and various chemical products, and specialised chemical products.

Recent procurements where the supplier Nitrofert is mentioned

2020-09-11   PQQ for Supply and Delivery of Adblue/Aqueous Urea (Dublin Bus/Bus Atha Cliath)
The purpose of this pre-qualification questionnaire (โ€˜PQQโ€™) is to enable the contracting entity to evaluate the suitability of applicants and to arrive at a shortlist of potential suppliers for the supply and delivery of Adblue/Aqueous Urea. It is intended that following PQQ evaluation, a number of applicants will be invited to tender for the specific requirements of the tender. The contract will be for a 3-year period with a provision for two one year extensions. The value over the 5 years is estimated โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Euroblue Nitrofert