Supplier: Mediabrands Digital Ltd

One archived procurement

Mediabrands Digital Ltd has historically been a supplier of IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support, internet services, and provider services.
Historically, competing bidders have been Mediabrands Digital Oรœ, and Oรœ ADM Interactive.

Recent procurements where the supplier Mediabrands Digital Ltd is mentioned

2019-08-09   Provision of Web Management Support Services (Eurofound- European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions)
The aim of the contract resulting from this call for tenders is to enlist a provider that can support Eurofound in its specialized web management tasks and specifically in its ambition to move to digital first web management approach. The overall goal is to contribute to the high-quality, scalability, timeliness and effectiveness of Eurofound web products and services. This contract will be strictly limited to the scope as described below and exclude all elements for which Eurofound is currently cover by โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Mediabrands Digital Ltd Mediabrands Digital Oรœ Oรœ ADM Interactive