Supplier: KRCEcological Ltd

One archived procurement

KRCEcological Ltd has historically been a supplier of sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services, environmental services, and environmental management.

Recent procurements where the supplier KRCEcological Ltd is mentioned

2021-08-16   Monitoring Survey of Coastal Habitats in the East and South of Ireland (Department of Housing,Local Government and Heritage)
This project will take place over the course of 4 years (2021 โ€“ 2024) and will provide monitoring information on target Annex I habitats from Louth to Cork. The project will commence in 2021, the monitoring survey will have been completed by October 2023 and all reports and data will have been submitted by August 2024. See RfT document View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: KRCEcological Ltd