Supplier: Jons Civil Eng. Company Ltd

One archived procurement

Historically, competing bidders have been Colas-Roadbridge JV, Egis Lagan Services, and Globalvia Ireland Ltd.

Recent procurements where the supplier Jons Civil Eng. Company Ltd is mentioned

2018-06-29   Motorway Maintenance and Renewals Contract ("MMaRC") (Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII))
TII intend to contract for the provision of maintenance operations and renewals services and works on the non-PPP elements of the high speed road network. The relevant network is currently maintained in three separate sub networks, each of which is the subject of a separate existing maintenance and renewals contract. The three sub networks (which are being awarded as separate lots) are: Lot 1 Area A: Greater Dublin and eastern seaboard area. It totals approximately 172km including parts of the N/M1, โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Colas-Roadbridge JV Egis Lagan Services Globalvia Ireland Ltd Jons Civil Eng. Company Ltd