Recent procurements where the supplier Irish Times Training is mentioned
2023-04-03Fáilte Way of Management Training (Fáilte Ireland-National Tourism Development Authority)
Fáilte Ireland runs a series of training programmes for all managers which together comprise the Fáilte Way of Management. This tender is for the delivery of 3 of those programmes in the following lots.
Lot 1: Fáilte Way of Talent Acquisition
Lot 2: Fáilte Way of People Management
Lot 3: Fáilte Way of Financial Management
Tenderers can apply for one or more lot.
Fáilte Ireland intends to introduce a Learning Management System within the next 12 months. Tenderers will be required to translate the training …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:HarvestIrish Times Training
2022-05-10The delivery of the SKILL Programme (Securing Knowledge Intra Lifelong Learning): Education, Training and... (Health Service Executive (HSE))
The Health Service Executive’s requirement for delivery of the SKILL (Securing Knowledge Intro Lifelong Learning) Programme exists within the context of the need to design and deliver a Programme to
• Enable support staff to update and extend their knowledge, skills and experience in order to make them more effective and efficient in the jobs they perform and consequently improving services to patients/clients.
• Develop areas of expertise to progress the “skill mix” requirements and the People Strategy …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Irish Times Training
2021-07-05People Management Learning and Development Training Services for the Civil Service — THR055F (The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform)
(The Contracting Authority invites tenders (‘Tenders’) from economic operators (‘Tenderers’) for the award of a single supplier framework contract for the provision of the services as described in Appendix 1 to this RFT (‘the Services’).
In summary, the Services comprise:
People Management Learning and Development Training for the Civil Service, comprising of:
— the development of a shared civil service learning and development curriculum that can be easily adapted for both virtual and face to face …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Irish Times Training