Supplier: I.E.S. Ltd

One archived procurement

I.E.S. Ltd has historically been a supplier of printed matter and related products, printed books, brochures and leaflets, and printed books.
Historically, competing bidders have been J.K. Multimedia Ltd, and O'Mahony's Booksellers Ltd.

Recent procurements where the supplier I.E.S. Ltd is mentioned

2015-12-11   Library Books and Audio Visual Material โ€” Waterford City and County Council (Waterford City and County Council)
Tenders are invited from competent suppliers in order to establish a Framework Agreement with Waterford City and County Council for the supply of books for both the new Carrickphierish library development in Waterford City and general stock for the Waterford City and County Libraries branch library network. The ratio of expenditure between Carrickphierish and other branch designated stock will be approximately 60/40. There are 4 categories or Lots that tenderers may bid for namely: Lot 1: Children's and โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: I.E.S. Ltd J.K. Multimedia Ltd O'Mahony's Booksellers Ltd