Supplier: Hansmann PR Brunnthaler & Geisler GmbH

One archived procurement

Recent procurements where the supplier Hansmann PR Brunnthaler & Geisler GmbH is mentioned

2021-05-12   Publicity and PR Services in the German Market (Tourism Ireland CLG)
Tourism Ireland requires a stand-out Publicity and PR Agency to support the Tourism Ireland team in Germany. We are seeking a vibrant, creative PR agency to support us deliver game-changing editorial publicity that makes us stand out from our main competitors, and crucially, that motivates German holiday makers to visit the island of Ireland in a post-pandemic environment. It is anticipated that work under the contract will commence on 1 November 2021. Please refer to the documentation attached for โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Hansmann PR Brunnthaler & Geisler GmbH