Supplier: FloodTags B.V. (previously FloodTags: 59502622)

One archived procurement

FloodTags B.V. (previously FloodTags: 59502622) has historically been a supplier of software package and information systems, networking, Internet and intranet software package, and internet and intranet software package.

Recent procurements where the supplier FloodTags B.V. (previously FloodTags: 59502622) is mentioned

2022-09-30   RfT for the provision of a Digital Media Flood & Weather Impacts Monitoring system (Met Eireann)
Met ร‰ireann, the Irish Meteorological Service is seeking the development, hosting and maintenance of a Digital Media Flood & Weather Impact Monitoring system (DMFWIMs) for Ireland, which must be based on existing well-established software (that has already been widely used for the purpose of monitoring digital media sources for flood and weather impacts) as the basis of any proposal, and then tailor this to the Irish use case, to support the National Flood Forecasting & Warning Service (NFFWS) in Ireland โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: FloodTags B.V. (previously FloodTags: 59502622)