Supplier: Euro Car Parks (Ireland) Ltd

One archived procurement

Recent procurements where the supplier Euro Car Parks (Ireland) Ltd is mentioned

2020-08-11   Request For Tender for Multi Supplier Framework Agreement for the provision of Managed Parking Services (The Office of Government Procurement)
Request for tenders (RFT) for the provision of managed parking services. The scope of the RFT is for the following 3 lots: Lot 1: On-Street Managed Parking Services; Lot 2: Off-Street Managed Parking Services; Lot 3: Combined On-Street and Off-Street Managed Parking Services. In summary, the services comprise: The requirement for secure, reliable and high quality managed parking services for framework clients as and when required. This request for tenders is for both the management of the parking โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: APCOA Parking Ireland, Ltd Bidvest Noonan Car Park Services Ltd Egis Projects S.A. Euro Car Parks (Ireland) Ltd Q-Park Ireland Tazbell Services Group