Supplier: Doyle Shipping Group

2 archived procurements

Doyle Shipping Group has historically been a supplier of transport equipment and auxiliary products to transportation, ships and boats, and ships.

Recent procurements where the supplier Doyle Shipping Group is mentioned

2018-08-13   Provision of Passenger Ferry Service between Cobh and Spike Island 2019-2022 (Cork County Council)
The Contracting Authority requires a independent operator to provide ferry services between Cobh and Spike Island, Co. Cork for 3 years 2019-22 (with possible extension). 2 vessels are required as follows: โ€” Main vessel with minimum capacity to accommodate 100 passengers and required January to December inclusive each year of the Contract. โ€” A second vessel with minimum capacity to accommodate 70 passengers and required for the peak months May to September inclusive each year of the Contract. Further โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Doyle Shipping Group
2016-11-15   Provision of Marine Services Transport Services for the Irish Naval Service (Irish Naval Service)
The Irish Naval Service is looking for economic operators to tender for the provision of bare boat and tug services to the Naval Service for the 2017 with the option of extending into 2018 and 2019. View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Doyle Shipping Group