Supplier: Darragh Neely Design

2 archived procurements

Recent procurements where the supplier Darragh Neely Design is mentioned

2022-03-31   Tender for the Provision of Graphic Design Services to Munster Technological University (Munster Technological University)
Munster Technological University is seeking tenders from competent service providers for the Provision of Graphic Design Services to Munster Technological University. This tender will be awarded using the Cascade Mechanism. Full details are contained in the tender documentation attached to this Contract Notice or which can be downloaded from the Irish Government Procurement website - View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: 2b:Creative Darragh Neely Design The Pierce Partnership
2019-04-10   Brand and Graphic Design Services for Nuig (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
Tenders are sought for a multi supplier framework for the provision of Branding and Graphic Design Services for NUI Galway. The objective is to appoint suppliers to a framework to engage with NUI Galway to deliver creative brand, graphic and web designs, who have a keen understanding of the competitive educational market. They will also be experienced in the setup and implementation of digital brand asset management systems. View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Allen Creative Darragh Neely Design Mammoth Design Consultants Neworld Associates Proactive Design & Marketing Williams Lea (Ireland) Limited