Supplier: Darktrace Holdings Ltd

One archived procurement

Darktrace Holdings Ltd has historically been a supplier of software package and information systems, software package utilities, and security software package.

Recent procurements where the supplier Darktrace Holdings Ltd is mentioned

2022-09-16   Network, Azure and Office 365 Detection and Response Solution (Courts Service)
This competition is for a solution to provide detection and automated response against threats/attacks including โ€˜zero dayโ€™ across our On Premise, Office 365 and Azure Estates. We require a solution that detects anomalies based on assessing normal behaviour and can automatically shut down an attack while allowing normal behaviour to continue uninterrupted. The solution must be able to contain a threat/attack by itself and also by integration into third party solutions such as anti virus and firewalls. โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Darktrace Holdings Ltd