Supplier: Boyne Valley Nursing Home

One archived procurement

Boyne Valley Nursing Home has historically been a supplier of health and social work services, health services, and hospital and related services.

Recent procurements where the supplier Boyne Valley Nursing Home is mentioned

2015-11-06   Tender for the Provision of a Winter Bed Initiative and Transitional Care Bed Service for the Louth Meath Area (Health Service Executive (HSE))
The HSE wishes to identify, procure and implement the provision of 10 beds under the Winter Bed Initiative and 24 Transitional Care Beds (WBI&TCBS). For the purpose of this tender, WBI&TCBS are to be provided to elderly clients who are ordinarily resident in Counties Louth and Meath and will be in the process of transferring to Long Term Care, Rehabilitation Services etc. or returning to home. Submissions are sought from interested parties who can provide these services immediately on a single site and โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Boyne Valley Nursing Home Dunboyne Nursing Home Ltd Moorehall Lodge Drogheda Mowlan Healthcare St. Ursula's Nursing Home