Supplier: BEC Consultants Ltd

One archived procurement

BEC Consultants Ltd has historically been a supplier of sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services, environmental services, and environmental management.

Recent procurements where the supplier BEC Consultants Ltd is mentioned

2022-10-14   National monitoring and assessment of four Annex I woodland habitats & Survey of NPWS woodland properties in the... (Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage)
WP 1: National monitoring and assessment of four Annex I woodland habitats The EU Habitats Directive requires Members States to monitor the conservation status of the habitats and species which are protected under the Directive (Article 11). Every six years, a report must be prepared to assess the conservation status of these habitats and species, detail the implementation of conservation measures, and evaluate the impact of those measures (Article 17). This report must be submitted to the European โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: BEC Consultants Ltd